
Monday, July 13, 2009

Kozmik kizmet

Brian and I have been causing some excitement in the neighborhood recently by rolling our new Walker Bay dinghy to the nearest beach for some time on some water. We've been stopped many times by folks who believe we are literally dragging the boat up the road. No, we tell them, it has a wheel in the keel. I can only imagine what people must think when they look out their windows and see a couple pulling a boat up the road.

The story of how we found our dinghy is a great example of how things work out for us. We had decided we really wanted a Walker Bay 10 dinghy with a sailing kit. We were checking Craigslist and a few came up for sale, but too far away, and costly. I figured we wouldn't find one for less than $1000 if it included the sail kit. I also figured we'd have to make do with something else until we could find one, but I should have known one would just naturally come our way. A couple of weekends ago we found ourselves at the marina, to pick up some books for a boating class, and Brian walked over to take a gander at the small bulletin board. A moment later he called me over. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw the small, faded ad for a Walker Bay 10 dinghy. We called the number as soon as we got home - I was afraid the ad was old and it had been sold - but no, it was still available. And it included the sail kit! We went to get it the next day and, that evening, Brian sailed it over to our beach.

Has there ever been a time when things just seemed to happen exactly as you wanted them to?

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